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Version: 1.3.1



Before upgrading, please make sure to backup your database and files. This is to ensure that you can revert back to the previous version in case something goes wrong.

Booklify does not have a built-in rollback feature.

Boooklify is updated regularly with new features, bug fixes, and security patches. To update Booklify to the latest version, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Download the latest version

You can find the latest version of Booklify on the Release Page

Then download the latest version of Booklify using: docker pull<version> Replace <version> with the latest version number.

Also make sure to update the docker-compose.yml file to use the new version.

If you use the development version, you can just use docker compose pull to update all images.

Step 2: Start the new version

After downloading the latest version, you can just start the new version using docker-compose up -d.

Booklify will automatically update the database and files to the latest version.

Step 3: Verify the update

After updating, you should verify that the update was successful. You can do this by checking the logs of the Booklify container using docker compose logs backend.